Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Mods

  • Age of Empires II Definitive Edition: MOD - 'All Civilizations Units Total Reskin' Will Patch.
  • Steam - AoE2 Definitive Edition; Microsoft Store - AoE2 Definitive Edition; Steam - AoE2 HD (2013);; Upcoming Tournament Games. Community sites. Official Age of Empires Page. Official Age of Empires Discord. Forgotten Empires /r/aoe2 Discord.
  • Though my APM is high, I lose 2 to 5 seconds looking for my buildings and rebinding them. In Age of Empires 2, The Definitive Edition there is a hotkey item that selects all military buildings as well as select all town centers. Now we are going to change it to your desired number.

We've started 2020 by playing 20 years old Real-Time Strategy which got significant new (re)release called Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition. While previous AoE2 HD edition was basically an update for modern systems, Definitive Edition brings significant and much needed improvements which make the two-decades-old game more playable and enjoyable, most notably. Luckily, the folks behind the new Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition have released a new mod that lets you satisfy your wintry war plans in a constructive way. The Winter Celebration mod does.

Easy to follow build order sheets. Build orders with a similar start are combined together to minimize the number of sheets. This guide contains 11 build orders in 3 sheets.

Based on “Build Order Reference” by Cicero, and Hera’s video guides.

Build Order Sheets

  • I originally created these sheets for personal use.
  • The land build orders are from Cicero’s “Build order reference” (Link) and the water build orders are from Hera’s YouTube video guides (Video1, Video2).
  • I tried to write them in a way that’s easy to follow while playing.
  • I grouped build orders with a similar start together, and put 2 build order groups on each sheet, so I can fold the sheet vertically and have a build order on each side.
  • This guide contains 11 build orders (9 land and 2 water) in 3 sheets.

PDF Download Link

Link: Here

How to read the build order

  • F = Food (only Sheep and Boar) | Fr = Farm | B = Berries
  • W = Wood | G = Gold | S = Stone
  • Fv = Villagers currently working on Sheep or Boar
  • Bv = Villagers currently working on Berries
  • “Pop 7 | 4 to wood” means at Pop 7, the next 4 vills (pop 8 to 11) go to wood.
  • “Pop 22 | 2 Fv to Wood” means at Pop 22, 2 vills that are working on Sheep / Boar go to wood.

Created military units are not counted in Pop.

Like most build orders, this does not include many small details, so if you’re a new player remember to:

  • Make houses (build 2 houses at the start)
  • Scout your map, you need to find your 8 sheep and 2 boars.
  • Lure the 2nd boar before the 1st one runs out, kill the sheep and boar right under the TC and try to only kill one at a time.
  • Build a 2nd lumber-camp once you have 6-8 vills on the first.
  • Create military units: usually, 3 for the men at arms, 3-5 for the scouts, and non-stop production for the rest
  • Get double bit axe ASAP, get attack upgrades for archers, and bloodlines / defense upgrades for knights.
  • For water maps, fishing ships should always get the deep fish first and not the shore fish.

Build orders

Men at arms into archers:
Very common build order, the 3 Men at arms are used to disrupt your opponent’s eco, and buy you some time to mass your archers, new players should start by learning a normal archer rush build order first (without men at arms).

Men at arms into Towers:
Requires more multitasking and micro then other build orders, not recommended for new player.

Another very common build order, usually you go for 3-5 scouts, but you can add more if needed.

Fast castle:
Fast castle build orders are usually used in closed maps (like arena or black forest), or as a pocket in team games. Can be used in open maps but it’s risky and requires you to fully wall your base against feudal rushes.

They are also easier to learn than other build orders.

Can be used in any water map that has deep fish, your first 4 fishing ships need to be on deep fish for the build order to work. Consider walling your base for the full water build order.

More of this sort of thing:

We've started 2020 by playing 20 years old Real-Time Strategy which gotsignificant new (re)release called Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.

While previous AoE2 HD edition was basically an update for modern systems,Definitive Edition brings significant and much needed improvements which makethe two-decades-old game more playable and enjoyable, most notably:

  • farms and fish traps can be automatically renewed ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  • improved UI shows amounts of villagers assigned to individual resources
  • improved command, building, and waypoint queues
  • new AI (daaayum it's good)
  • new civilizations (35 total)
  • fabulous updated HD (and even Ultra HD with optional free DLC) graphics including building destruction simulation
  • Art of War challenges provide a tool for noobs to to learn and train game essentials
  • ranked matchmaking
  • cross-play (yes, people play AoE2 on xbox :-O)
  • more quality of life improvements like zoom, grid, research indication, improved saves & replays, achievements, Empires War mode, ...
  • integrated mod support
Age of empires 2 definitive edition steam

The game is really great on its own, but the search for perfection never endsand there is integrated mod support, so let's talk about few essential modsthat improve the game even further!

All these mods are UI/graphics/sounds utility mods or scenarios that don'tinterfere with game data so you can safely use them in online matchesincluding ranked and they're easily available from the in-game mod browser.

What did the monk say?

First and foremost, let's talk about the game's most distincive if notsignature unit - the monk.

I don't think I need to explain what WOLOLO means. In fact, it's a toptier meme that's still strong after two decades and I never quite understoodwhy AoE 2 replaced the legendary conversion sound with a boring and generic'holy sound'.

Modding community provided fixes for this critical regression in the past likeWololo Monks modfor AoE2 HD, but Definitive Edition changed sound engine so old sound modsdon't work.

Age of empires 2 definitive edition guide

This was the only mod I was really missing to complete my AoE experience soI wrote it myself and uploaded to the in-game mod browser:

Now you can WOLOLO like any self-respecting person would, courtesy oftexnoforge ;)

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Mods

Taming the Trees


The new graphics are nice, but trees are so big they sometimes make selection,commands, and building placement more difficult than it needs to be.

There are several options to make trees smaller, pick one:

  • Improved Small Trees
  • Bamboo Only (Small Trees)
  • CubeTrees

If you happen to actually like CubeTrees, you can convert all resources tocubes using the infamousAge of Cubes mod ¯_(ツ)_/¯

git gud

I really like the Art of War series of tutorials/challenges that explainand let players train essential aspects of the game. If you'd like to improveyour opening and individual build orders even more, there's a great modwhich works much like the Art of War but includes 10 different buildorders to train with A-F rating for you to improve on.Activate through Game Mode -> Custom Scenario.

Age Of Empires Definitive Edition Free

  • Interactive Build Order Guide

You can also train hotkeys to construct various building quickly and reliably,giving you more time to focus on important things and less rage overthat lumber camp on gold that should've been mining camp.Activate through Game Mode -> Custom Scenario.

Age Of Empires Definitive Edition Download

Unless you remember details of all 35 civs, consider displaying condensedversion of tech tree of your current civ at all times, which is especiallyuseful when playing random.

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Mods Apk

  • Improved Tech Tree UI Mod

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Strategy

Blood for the Blood God

By default, dead bodies of units disappear quite fast and no skeletons are leftbehind in DE. And thus my final reccomendation adds blood to the game which stays for quitesome time. Aside from the obvious visual pleasure of good slaughter, itprovides utility of marking the spots of battle for quite some time.

  • Crimson Blood

Good Luck & Have Fun!