Clamav Mac Os X Install

ClamXAV is a popular virus checker for OS X. Time to take control. ClamXAV keeps threats at bay and puts you firmly in charge of your Mac’s security. Scan a specific file or your entire hard drive. Set it to scan automatically or run instant checks on suspicious files. It’s entirely up to you. Silent and deadly. ClamXav is a free antivirus solution based on the Open Source engine, ClamAV. Even though Mac OS X is considered a secure operating system from the viruses that actively attack the system point of view, the users shouldn't enjoy the 'status quo'. The thing is, there are certain situations when a Windows virus can attack a Mac.

Clamav For Mac

Download Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 latest version standalone offline DMG image for your Apple computer. Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 is a very powerful and reliable operating system for your Macintosh computer with different enhancements and improvements.

Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 Review

Apple has now released the Mac OS X 10.8.5 Mountain Lion release after a long beta period. This version tends to be more secure and even more efficient than the previous versions of Mac OS. Comes up with a sleeker and very friendly user interface to handle all the problems with a comfortable environment. You will find every feature you need in this release. There are numerous fixes and improvements in this release so to make it a stable operating system. Wifi performance is also greatly enhanced for 802.11ac for AFP file transfer.

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Screen Saver fixes are also made as well as Mail issues have also been addressed in this release. Moreover, Xsan reliability, transfer of huge files over the ethernet, Open Directory Server authentication, and many other improvements are also there so the system can deliver better performance within the network. Security vulnerabilities are also fixed which were discovered in Apache, Certificate Trust Policy, Bind, ClamAV, ImageIO, CoreGraphics, Installer, Kernel, IPSec, Mobile Device Management, PHP, PostgreSQL, OpenSSL, Power Management, Screen Lock, QuickTime, and sudo. On concluding notes, Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 is the stable and best operating system.

Features of Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5

  • Stable operating system for your Apple device
  • Various security enhancements and issues fixes
  • Better performance of MacBook Air
  • fixes for Smart Card and screen saver issues
  • AFP file transfer performance over 802.11
  • Sending huge data over the ethernet

Technical Details of Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5

  • File Name: Mac_OS_X_Mountain_Lion_10.8.5.dmg
  • File Size: 4.2 GB
  • Developer: Apple

System Requirements for Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5

  • 2 GB of RAM
  • 8 GB free HDD
  • Multi-Core Intel Processor

Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 Free Download

Clamav mac os x install discClamav mac download

Download Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 latest version DMG image. It is a stable Mac OS X Mountain Lion release and a reliable operating system. You can also download Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5


ClamAV can be found for Ubuntu in the apt repository. Run this command to install ClamAV:


apt-get install clamav

If you need clamd, you may also want to run:

apt-get install clamav-daemon


If you require support for scanning compressed RAR files you first need to enable the non-free archive, and then you can install the RAR-plugin using:

apt-get install libclamunrar6

Clamav mac os x install disc

There are two classes of clamav packages available for Ubuntu users:

Mac Os X Installer Download

Released Set

The released set (release, *-updates, and *-security) are patched for security updates. Following extensive testing of clamav and the packages that use it in the backports repository, they may be updated to a newer version. These are official Ubuntu packages and supported by community developers.


The Ubuntu backports repository will contain the newest clamav version that has been at least lightly tested to work with that version. These packages can be installed by enabling the backports repository on your system.
Ubuntu packages are maintained by Ubuntu MOTU Developers.